>Harley asked a simple question and got his answer.  (Pat)

He figured it out almost immediately -- he got a post in before anyone replied. That's not the point.

>my software is better than yours

Yes, discussing software may be off-topic for RCSE except that if you happen to maintain a web site for a soaring club you also get to be the unofficial IT person for the (soaring) club for that percentage of members who've got computers but can't access the club site, get emails, send mails and so on. Since this is a waste of time -- it may be useful and important to the club but its still a waste of my time -- I for one am always looking for short cuts, ways to simplify the operation of people's systems so they aren't a nuisance.

The prime suspects when there is trouble are invariably Microsoft or AoL. So like the cure for your head hurting because you persistently bang it against a brick wall, the cure is just to "stop doing it". Unfortunately people are reluctant to change, you often have to work with what they're willing to do, but there's no harm in getting the word out to cut down on the number of questions later.

Martin Usher

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