....that I am not the only Smith on the Roster? Hope you guys remember Mark Smith. Mark's Models & Dynaflight, previous National Champ, LSF No. 19.....??? Ringing any bells out there? I am sure it is.

Also developer of the 'kiss and click' spot landing. Back some 35 or so years ago when he was flying the Windfree in SoCal he worked out a way to get time and spots at landing. Grease that little beauty in a foot or so off the deck and at the exact time, kiss the nose off the grass (or dirt, or whatever), then bounce it back into the air and fly it into a perfect spot without having to worry about the time. No skids, skegs or anything. Just amazing coordination, timing and skill. First time I saw that maneuver I recall a bunch of guys all gaping and muttering 'did you see that.......???'.

Awesome list for Masters. Hope you guys have a great time.

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