This guy was up, they were down and walking, he was down and they were climbing!
Right now from my best guess its gonna be Doug Pike's taller brother holding the plate, but don't even start paying bets, because until the scores are figured and the hot starlet opens that envelope, its still just a wild guess!
In any case, if you guys got stuck with Sharons, or Perfects or Supras or Espada's, you're in good shape for the next couple of seasons! :-)
The last round had three working a crap bubble out about 50' off the landing area, out toward the beans.
Okay, I'm going take a wild guess and say......its Mike Smith and his Sharon.  The guy is a brilliant pilot at F3J, F3B, DLG, and TD...and has proved it two years in a row at Muncie.
I am sure that DP has his fingers crossed for Mike, not only because they are great friends, but because Mike owes him airplane gas money for the trip up! :-).

Stand by.

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