
I know the usual answer is "it depends" but which is the better build method?

Here are the considerations...

1.  Time (I want to build as quick as possible)
2.  Accuracy of the build.  I can cut foam wings and I can cut ribs by hand.  I can also outsource these functions to have the performed by computers. 
3.  Durability.  Which will generally take longer to wear out?
4.  Easy of building.  I have the bags, pumps, epoxy, ca, balsa etc... to build either.
5.  Prototype?  Which is the prefered method to prototype ships.  This would mean really quick, almost disposeable building so that a basic feel of the plane can be gained.  I can see covering a foam wing with tape or building a ribbed wing with fewer ribs and full balsa sheeting.
6.  Any other considerations you may have.

This will be my first official building season, and I plan on building several 60 inch planes from DLG, to mini hotliners.  I purposely didn't ask about spars as I think the same spar can be used in either construction method.



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