You are RIGHT, I did win RES  for my first LSF5 contest win, but if you really want dramatic, and yes its true!!!!

Rick Helgeson has stepped up and put his money where your's should be $202 leads the way for the next three guys to DO something versus just posting about saving that field.
Don't even doubt that this very well could be that precedent to protect other fields from occupation, or eviction.
And don't forget our slogan, when rc sailplaning is outlawed, only outlaws will be doing it...because there won't be any legal sites to fly at.
DO the one thing that you can do from your shop about this ...send some cash. 
Here's the way I see it.  There are guys in the hobby that keep it going by 'doing'.  Those guys who CD, take care of equipment, teach, win big...those guys are the do'ers.  The rest of us are enjoying the effort.   This is our chance to DO something for the hobby.
I went around the neighborhood and raked leaves till I had the cash (don't tell my wife that I did that for strangers, she'll expect me to do it at home!).  (The rumor that I got out on trick or treat nite and stole change from the kids bags is mostly un-true!)
Step up, or sign in or what ever it takes to DO your part for our friends flying at 60 Acres.
Member of the Royal Order of Thermal Wizards

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