Sherman,  I liked your article and found a lot of valuable information in it.  
However it is my contention that "SmartSafe" is nothing like the failsafe that 
we love so much.  As a matter of fact I see nothing smart or safe about it.  
Here is a direct quote from the Spektrum information manual that comes with the 
Spektrum 6200:
  "The AR6200 features a SmartSafe failsafe option.  Smartsafe is ideal for 
most types of electric aircraft and is also recommended for most types of gas 
and glow-powered models.  With SmartSafe, when signal is lost the throttle 
channel only is driven to its preset failsafe position (normally low throttle) 
while all ofher channels hold last command."
As you can see the flap channel on sailplanes or the throttle channel on an 
electric are the only thing that will come to a true preset failsafe position.  
Everything else holds its last commanded position.  To me this is not failsafe 
like in my JR 770S.  The only reason that I point out the differences in 
SmartSafe and Failsafe is so that no one mistake one for the other.  So if you 
are buying a new receiver and want Failsafe and not SmartSafe and your model is 
large enough get the JR921 or the Spektrum 9000.  Everything else is SmartSafe.
As for model match I think that it is a great idea and will save quite a few 

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Sat, 24 Nov 2007 17:51:33 -0500Subject: Re: [RCSE] 
'So, having read the 2.4 Articles in this Month's RCSD, What's you...To: [EMAIL 

In response to the Failsafe issue.
There are several 2.4 receivers in the JR Horizon Hobby Catalog.  They are:
1.    AR9000  15 Grams  Comes with both Smart Safe and Model Match
2.    R921 (JR branded AR9000, I think)  Same as above
3.    AR7000  14 grams  Comes with both Smart Safe and Model Match
4.    AR6100e  End plugs 4 grams NO satellite receiver  No Smart Safe
4a.    AR6100  Top plugs 4 grams NO satellite receiver  No Smart Safe
5.    AR6200  10 grams Smart Safe and Model Match
6.    AR6300  2 grams  JST connectors and very thin NO satellite receiver   No 
Smart Safe.  
7.    AR9100 NEW and designed for Giant Scale with a larger power buss See 
AR9000 for the rest.  
I will have to do more work on the AR6200.  The paper with the receiver 
discusses both Smart Safe and a preset FailSafe.  So I will have to see what is 
actually there when I do the Blaster 2 Build.
Expect more information later.  
Sherman Knight

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