In conclusion:

Project 12: A Zagi THL that has so far neither been successfully "T" nor 
"HL". No slopes by me, so I'm converting it into a cheap trainer for my son, 
Intend to put a really cheap  and slow GWS speed 400 pusher on it.

Project 13: Kyosho 2.4M motorglider "Typhoon"  t-tailed, looks kinda like a 
Fournier, pretty. Kyosho used to make these in gas and electric versions as the 
"Valencia". Got the fuse and tail for free, just need to build some wood 
wings and add a geared speed 600, or now maybe some kind of outrunner motor.

Project 14:  Goldberg Electra custom, with  aileron wing with V-tail, built, 
covered, needs guts and motor. Just lost interest, it was only a so-so 
covering effort.

Project 15: An E-flight Yak foam 3-d plane that was crashed at E-fest and 
given away to my kids by one of the participants, I've repaired part of the 
fuse, it needs a chunk of wing leading edge replaced and radio and power 
systems installed and good to go. Saving up for all these radio components and 
power systems is the real drag for me. I try to move the RX from plane to plane 
where possible to save money, but usually buy more servos and motors, esc's and 
batteries for each model. And that takes time for me, and there's always a 
more pressing expense that takes over...

Wow, until this thread, I'd never stopped to count how many things I had 
piled up, some of them 15 years old.  That's some intense  case of ADD!:-)

Then there's my fleet of sailboats:
Kyosho Fairwind I built from separate scratch and dent parts and finds over 
time. Been sailing her with great enjoyment since the early 90's, when she 
looked a mess but sailed great, and have been slowly bringing her up to 
looks and better performance. This winter I cut up the top deck and hatch to 
make a scale-like interior view section, I added pulpits and a helm wheel, 
homemade winches and seat cushions. Will add a fake traveller car and rail 
for a more scalelike fairlead  to the mainsheet. Still trying to find or make 
a couple scale crew for her.

Kyosho Seawind: found a rare bare glass hull for one of these and have been 
amassing the other parts over three years, am pretty close to assembling this 
one to look like an America's Cup boat. Also needs crew figures and sails, 
which I'm making from kitemaker's tyvek cloth. This is the one I build over and 
over in my head when I'm bored in a meeting somewhere or killing time waiting 
line for something. I have some really neat things planned for this one, just 
got some masts and booms for her this weekend, when they say scratch and 
DENT, they MEAN it; these mast parts were damaged  about four inches from one 
by some mailman so I got $60 worth of rigging for $5, just have to make some 
splices and repairs. "This is how I roll", as the kids say. For me, getting it 
done creatively without spending the big bucks adds to the thrill when it 
eventually performs to my satisfaction.

Eldon sloops from 1964: These were toys from my youth I bought off ebay, they 
were free-sailed with a  clever self-tacking system. I had to buy three to 
get enough parts to restore one beauty for the mantelpiece and pool, the other 
two are "footy" sized and will get radios shoehorned into them at some point 
for pond racing with my kids. 

The RC sailboats are great when the wind is over my self-imposed comfort 
limit for flying, and they have the same relaxing grace as a nice simple 2 
spiraling thru still air.

I guess this will make you think twice before asking the "what are you making 
" question again, huh?


Distracted regards,
Mark S. the scratch and dent king

Start the year off right.  Easy ways to stay in shape.

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