Looked like Michael is right. According to Profili, it's VERY similar to the RG-15. I checked it out at re*sqrt(CL)=100k and 150k. (That is, equivalent to a sailplane which is at Reynold's number of 100k and 150k when flying at Cl of 1) The two lines are just about right on top of each other. HN-216 appears microscopically better between Cl of 0.1 and 0.8, very slightly worse above Cl of 0.8. But I'm guessing one swipe with 220 grit sandpaper would make more difference! I didn't check with flaps and perhaps the program would show a difference there.

(Profili is a user friendly interface for Xfoil.)

Richard Burnoski wrote:

Ok guys, Can anyone tell me anything about the way this airfoil =
In speed ?          In duration?          In distance?
What airfoil  would it compare to of the ones we use now?
So many airfoils so little time.     Thanks, Richard

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