WOW.. I cant believe all the wonderful responses I have received to my last 

Thank you all... :-)

I left out the best part... Last week I was working on the plane and my dad was 
watching a story about the Bataan death march.. It was very graphic and it was 
just before dinner, so I asked him why he was watching  it.... 

"Well Craig he says... I was almost in that march" I'm like what???? I knew my 
dad Flew a B-24.. In fact he was one of the few Pilots who flew on the Ploesti 
Romainia oil fields and lived ... But the Army?  My dad never really talks 
about the war.. I asked him why once and he said " War is hell Craig.. Why 
would I want to talk about hell"  Good point I guess...

Turns out my dad and his twin brother ran away and joined the California 
National Guard when they were only 15 years old in 1938.. They learned to drive 
trucks and did odd jobs until one day the commander told then they were 
shipping out... My Dad said "Hey were only 15, we don't want to go" So they 
gave them their discharge papers and the rest of the division was shipped out 
to the Philippines were they were later captured and became part of the 
solder's in the Bataan Death March... One lucky dude....

As much as my Parents can be pains sometimes... I'm sure they think the same of 
me too :-) Ha Ha ...I can only say.... Love them and spend time with them while 
they are around.... You never know what you might learn about them and or 
yourself :-)

And to all you parents out their.. Share your life stories with your children.. 
I;m sure they will cherish and appreciate your life history......




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