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Nice thing you did, Craig.

I'm the old dad now and may have a little perspective to offer. My dad never had much to say, but was totally reliable and set an excellent example for my younger brother and me. We grew up as Depression kids. Money was about non-existent. My dad was making $50 a month. Rent was $12.50 a month. Thats probably proportionate now to $5,000 and $1,250.

"Making do" was a way of life through grade school, high school and college. WW2 started when I was a college freshman and I worked my way through, in a constant state of weariness being a married man (seemed a good idea at the time) on campus in my home town of Walla Walla, WA. My first wife and I had our own tiny apartment with shared bath up 3 flights of stairs. We had a daughter (now age 65) in my senior year and thus with two total dependents having responsibilities became a way of life early in life. My 2nd wife, who had 3 small children, was stricken with multiple sclerosis the 2nd year of our marriage and life for 25 years was a combination of too good to be true and too bitter to bear. Along the way, from a little kid until right now, I had an interest in model airplanes. That interest had much to do with surviving under adversity. The hobby can really keep you going.

My dad died at 87 and I'm turning 87 tomorrow and the resident "old dad" . Rather than a problem, I'm still the problem solver when the kids get in a jam. In spite of all the weariness and troubles, life has been good. The "kids" are now all grown with grown kids of their own, keep in touch and appreciate the effort involved in rearing a family.

Today, I'm driving 130 miles round trip to go flying at a sod farm near Pasco, Wa. Temperature was 22 when I got up at 7, but it will warm up to maybe 40, anyway. I just finished up Smooth Genie Pro #4 and it gets maidened today. My lady friend of over 20 years will accompany me. I bribed her with a promise we would dine out for lunch at Burger King on the way over. We are walking 2-3 miles a day.

Don't concede to being a problem dad, guys. Keep doing. Keep moving. Keep flying. Get exposure. Make friends. Do something for somebody. Root for Dale, Jr. Watch Judge Judy and count your blessings you are not like those she deals with.

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