And finally...well not finally cuz its still early in this game...2.4  news.  
I flew 2.4 in my Marauder and a handful of guys flew various brands  in their 
2.4 friendly RES and Open ships.  It does work if  you apply those little 
gray cells when installing.
I had a really good chat with Peter Goldsmith (Horizon Hobby) during a lull  
in the action and I threw a couple of what-if's at him concerning  concern for 
2.4 limitations...and well, he was ready for them!
Yep, its about 40 Spectrum TX's that can be on at once, and it while  it 
would be possible for a situation to arise in some fictional situation where  
someone would be inconvenienced...all indications in actual contest  conditions 
so in real world versus hypothetical....all indications are  that its 
a case of don't REAL happy!
This was my first opportunity to experience the out right feeling of  freedom 
of having a 2.4 system at a contest.  Each time they'd  call me up to fly my 
woody, hand me the 16 clip I had registered for my  other classes, I'd just 
smile, knowing that it no longer applied...none  of 'it'.  And flying that 
that took the MMGliderTech boys a lot  of hours of meticulous building to 
create...knowing that it was safe from  at least one threat of undeserved 
destruction.  Each sunk  in a little deeper, that feeling of first 
freedom, then real  realization of what it meant to not even consider the  
possibilities, responsibilities and liabilities of having to have a  'channel'. 
really made me understand how worth it is would be to do  the 'work' of getting 
those RX's installed correctly.
My chat with Peter  G also enlightened me about why they decided on  the two 
RX system...its pretty logical actually.  The 2.4 signal is no more  or less 
affected by the carbon fuses we use in all of our molded ships today  than 
72mhz is.  But we figured out how to overcome the  carbon 
the antenna and allowing it to dangle free of  RF signal shading caused by 
wings and fuses.
Spectrum's dual RX's provide actual triangulation system for the signals  
that pass back and forth, from TX to RXs', a wider 'backstop' of sorts  for the 
TX signal to be caught with...two hands instead of one to get a  good grip on 
the information your thumb is trying to get to the servos.  A  bit of over kill 
for most RC applications but just enough for RC  sailplanes...that fly wayyyy 
off, in sometimes foggy weather, sometimes blocked  or deflected by tree 
tops, antenna and power towers..and of course timer's  bellies :-).
This kind of thinking comes from a company with two top RC sailplane guys  in 
positions to offer up the 'what-ifs' to designers and engineers at the  
manufacturer levels.
Okay does that mean none of the other systems won't or don't work?   Nope, 
but it does give you all some insight I know I didn't have until I had a  
to ask about...after I had some personal experience with 2.4.
Currently I don't have non carbon fuselages for my World's Heaviest Carbon  
Supra Lite, or my Perfect, or Pike Giant, or even my Super AVA...but I have 
some  ideas to try in order to use 2.4 in those airframes successfully. I'll 
you  guys posted on my experiments :-).


**************Ideas to please picky eaters. Watch video on AOL Living.      

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