From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: RE: [RCSE] Re: 'Results are in -BUT 
what are they????' - wish listDate: Mon, 3 Mar 2008 12:18:42 -0600

Don, Spektrum has done this.  I just recently sent my AR7000 in to have the 
firmware updated and when I got the rx back I noticed that they had put a new 
case on it.  The new case now says Batt/Data where before it only said Batt.  
So I not only got the latest firmware installed gratis but I got the ability to 
d/l data from the rx after a flight via the logger just like the latest version 
of the AR7000.  Just send your 7000 in to Horizion and ask them to upgrade the 
firmware (send all of your Spektrum rx in except for the 6100 I believe) they 
will upgrade the firmware to the fast reconnect version and then pick up the 
shipping back to you. I just sent in (2weeks ago) two AR9000, one JR921 and one 
AR7000 for the firmware upgrade and had everything back in about 8 days. Walter

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Mon, 3 Mar 2008 11:34:11 -0500Subject: Re: [RCSE] Re: 
'Results are in -BUT what are they????' - wish listTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; 

In a message dated 3/3/08 8:17:42 AM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

I like the AR7000 and I think it is a good size RX and fits in my Psyko 
fuselage nicely.  I do hope that Horizon comes out with a logging version of 
this RX. 
    This wish was excerpted from Ryan's message.  I would like to add that a 2 
satellite version of the AR700 would also be nice along with the logger 
version.  The smaller size of 7000 fits nicely in more models than the 9000 
series.  I have it in my Supra with a 2.4 friendly fuse and have not had any 
problems.  The 7000 fits nicely behind the servos, in a hole that permits the 
Pic to sit on top just ahead of the ballast tube.
    Good luck Ryan.
Don RichmondSan Diego, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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