After sifting thru all the experiments of fellow modelers 
 (on the place where nobody signs their names)....   guys who unlike me 
actually have some ingenuity, I finally got to the  simple, safe solutions to 
adapting a JR/Spectrum 2.4   system in soon to be extinct Carbon Fuse 
First it turned out there were two install solutions needed.  Nose  cone and 
Canopy turned out the easiest...the need for only the smallest amount of  
shrink-tubed on extension wire to insure the 31mm rule would be observed.
Nose cone was the bigger and most daunting of challenges, Quacker's  solution 
ended up at one end of the fix system and Don Barker at the  other.
Both worked...and thanks to both for going after the solution and  publishing 
Quacker's involved lengthening aux wires for the remotes out in the wing  
tips and minor surgery to the tail to hide a remote there.

Don boldly used on-hand servo wire to run shrink wrapped whisker wires  from 
both RX's nestled in plain site and access thru the firewall along the  
ballast tube, then the sacred 31mm out four holes space around the  
circumference of 
the pod.  Don used the Flight Log to verify the install  and ended up with 
numbers on average well below the mythical worry mark of  400's...with no holds 
after an awful lot of flying his Supra on his own back  yard flying site.
I want to apologize to Quacker and his alter ego Ira who felt that winning  
the title of Goofiest solution was harsh, rude, mean, and dis-respectful...even 
 though he played the most important part of the solution.

I figured I better recognize his part in all of this and let him know  that 
we all, (yep me too) appreciate his contribution and that no disrespect was  
meant in all fun of the hunt.
I'm trying like heck to make it to F3J in the Rockies in a few months,  
partly in order to give him and opportunity to crush my scores, and for him to  
have a proper opportunity to say...."IN YOUR FACE!!!"

For the record Quacker was cool with the whole tongue and cheek deal  but Ira 
was pissed !  So I'm looking forward to flying with one of em for  sure :).

Good Job both of you!

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