The big deal for me?
Because of the  huge surge to go with 2.4. There is a lot of discontent towards 
the old 72 MHz.  And pilots are selling off the 72 stuff everywhere... 
I am enjoying the low! Low! Prices on Stylus radio's and radio accessories!
I think it's all good! It's a win, win situation. As we speak, the number of 
frequencies we have to control is decreasing!
I may go with 2.4 in my gliders. Since I do fly at large contests, the 
frequency security makes sense. 
But locally I fly at well controlled sites. And besides, I know who is on my 
channel around here. We are a tight group, and not that many pilots. 
I do look at it on the practical side as well.. I have about 20 aircraft that 
are loaded, and ready to fly.. I thought about how much it would cost to change 
out all the receivers.. I just laughed!
I think I will be ok with 72 MHz for awhile.  ')

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