This is the same as with PCM, all you have to do is program a failsafe  
function to the channel you have your plane finder plugged into to fire the  
So if you are in Aux 4 for instance, program full travel the other  
direction, that way when the TX is turned off simulating a lost signal your  
will trigger.

In a message dated 3/24/2008 9:44:12 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  

In the  past on my 72MHz radios I have used a device in my planes which 
beeps when  it loses the signal from the transmitter.  This has been 
handy to  find a plane in the woods and to signal me when the receiver 
is bad(saved  one plane when the receiver was bad)  This device plugs 
into a spare  channel.  

The problem is that I have switched to the JR9303  2.4GHz radio but with 
its failsafe this device always gets a signal so it  doesn't beep when I 
turn the transmitter off.

Anybody experienced  this?  Is there something new that will work with 
the 2.4GHZ  radios?  


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