Way to go guys. 

Getting LSF involved can only help.

Keep us informed on any progress on behalf of SASS.

Regards, Dave Corven.

 -------------- Original message ----------------------
From: "Jim Deck" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Each member of the King County Council received a copy of the following:
> Dear Councilman ____________,
>           You are receiving this message to urge you, as a member of the King 
> County Council, to please do everything you can to prevent the Seattle Area 
> Soaring Society from losing its current flying site in 60 Acres South. In 
> these 
> days of increasing urban expansion, flying sites are becoming more difficult 
> to 
> find and keep.  Other leisure activities competing for existing sites only 
> increase this difficulty.
>           Radio-controlled soaring is an environmentally friendly activity 
> that 
> provides hours of pleasure to young and old alike.  Over 8000 members, 
> worldwide, of the League of Silent Flight participate in and enjoy this 
> hobby.  
> On behalf of those members and our friends in the Seattle Area Soaring 
> Society, 
> we, the officers of the League of Silent Flight, ask your assistance in this 
> matter.
>                    Respectfully submitted,
>                              Mike Stump, President
>                              Ed Wilson, Vice President
>                              Jim Thomas, Treasurer 
>                               Jim Deck, Secretary

--- Begin Message ---
Each member of the King County Council received a copy of the following:

Dear Councilman ____________,

          You are receiving this message to urge you, as a member of the King County Council, to please do everything you can to prevent the Seattle Area Soaring Society from losing its current flying site in 60 Acres South. In these days of increasing urban expansion, flying sites are becoming more difficult to find and keep.  Other leisure activities competing for existing sites only increase this difficulty.

          Radio-controlled soaring is an environmentally friendly activity that provides hours of pleasure to young and old alike.  Over 8000 members, worldwide, of the League of Silent Flight participate in and enjoy this hobby.  On behalf of those members and our friends in the Seattle Area Soaring Society, we, the officers of the League of Silent Flight, ask your assistance in this matter.

                   Respectfully submitted,

                             Mike Stump, President

                             Ed Wilson, Vice President

                             Jim Thomas, Treasurer

                              Jim Deck, Secretary



--- End Message ---

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