Just curious: how is a public demand for return of property avoiding "public


Wouldn't your purposes be as well served by contacting Mr. Perkins directly?


Joe Parsons


From: Phil Townsend [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Saturday, May 31, 2008 12:58 PM
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Soaring@airage.com
Subject: [RCSE] A message to D. Perkins, Champion of F3B and Lord of the


Dear Mr. Perkins
It has been quite a few years (maybe 12 years) since I loaned you my
"Blessed" stopwatch.
You will of course remember that this watch was instrumental in your winning
a number of events around the world.
Yea THAT watch...The one with MY NAME emblazoned on the back.

Mr. Perkins it is time for you return my stopwatch to its rightful owner,

2 day FedEx is OK.

I thank you.

There will be no hard feels or public embarrassment if you act quickly and
respond to my request.

Yours truly,
Phil Bozo Lontz
Santa Fe

PS. Should you feel that this request is with out merit....Well you are
wrong, utterly and completely

I  Want MY watch...NOW!!!!! 

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