On another subject:

I'm in ATL right now waiting for my connecting flight to SAN. One guy
from the group from Brazil, Mario de Lucca, didn't make it into the
flight cause his passport has expired. Luckily it seems like he managed
to get an extension and he'll be in the same flight arriving tomorrow,

1) feel free to make jokes about having the planes ready but forgetting
to check the passport ;)

2) will somebody be driving from SAN to Poway tomorrow, friday, around
noon and could give Mario a ride? He'll probably arrive on Delta flight
1041 at 12:18hs.

3) if a ride is not available does somebody know what's the best way to
get from SAN to Poway (with a glider box) ? Taxi? Bus? Shuttle? Any info
would be appreciated!

If we have to go to the airport to get him we'd most probably loose the
beginning of the WAG so it would be great if he could come some other

Mario's cell phone: +55-11-96145476

Thanks a lot,

gustabmo's Profile: http://www.rcgroups.com/forums/member.php?u=17645
View this thread: http://www.rcgroups.com/forums/showthread.php?t=873720

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