Besides getting a better servo or linkage, you could use some other knob and a mix into the elevator as your drift compensator.

Or don't use any flight modes and do your own mixes if you have minimal changes between flight modes.

John Kappus wrote:
Common trim mode on 9303 ?

I have a question on the 9303 regarding the common trim mode when using flight 
In the device select, I set trim mode to common, but I see in the monitor 
screen that common only refers to rudder and aileron. All other trim controls 
stay in flight mode. Even with the trim mode on common, a trim change to 
elevator in cruise does NOT affect thermal or launch trim.

Since my servos in my DLGs have some drift, it's not uncommon for me to change 
trim on the 1st flight. I want this change to go to everything (all Flight 
Modes). I can get elevator presets as changes to 'normal' trim by adding in 

I know I can make FM trim work by changing sub trim IF I notice the drift 
before the round, but true common trim might work better for this problem.

What am I missing?


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