Hello all,

Just wanted to report on today's flying.

Windspeed: 35 solid gusting to 50+ mph. From the NW.

Location: Bluffs that overlook the Pacific Ocean from 1200 feet, straight up. 
 It is between Fort Funston and Pacifica, just south of downtown San 
Francisco, positioned to face the NW.

With these extreme conditions, the wind sensing tape strip (tied to a stick 
at the edge of the cliff face) acutally blows UP.  We are talking extreme 
updrafts here.

Airplanes:  Myself, I had one of Mickey Crawley's hollow molded "Velocity" 
ships  (an exquisitely executed design....tail cone and all), 64" span V-tail 
jammer, that I had fitted with THREE POUNDS of lead.....much over FAI safety 
limits.....the lead ingots were purchased from the back of a guy's car's 
trunk....$3 per pound.....good deal! (I stocked-up).

The Flying:  Well, launch out into this rising column of air (think of a 
reverse waterfall...) and up it goes.  Acheiving 1000+ feet in just a few 
moments, peel off right and dive down, down, down, and at maximum velocity, 
pull out (gently!) and SCREAM across the cliff face, just a few feet from you 
(the operator), then ZOOM back up to 1200 feet.  Maximum speeds?  Didn't have 
a radar gun, but I know fast when I see (feel) it.  We judge speed by the 
sound created.  Something between a howling banshee and a GE jet turbine 
engine best describes the sound.

After repeating "Frequently and Often" until all adrenaline is totaly 
expended, the  landing seems a great relief.  Oh, landing?  Try a from the 
wave-top height downwind run, the UP the cliff for 1200 feet, timed perfectly 
to turn and stall upwind into the nice inviting ice-plant back.  Don't even 
think about the penalties for failure. (Personal or Property Injury the 
nearby houses.....)

I survived the day, and just wanted to share, that I have never before flown 
that much lead so fast for so long at such a high speed.  Screaming!

Rippin' is the word!  

The best to everyone.

Rick Powers
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