I really didn't mean to get Karlton fired up over this.  Honestly.

> and we put up with it because he is such a lovable and endearing guy. <



On Fri, 12 May 2000 16:53:42 -0400 "David L. Stone" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>I think the standard that we (the exchange) have adopted is that this is
>a forum for general advertising.. etc.etc
>I haven't really seen a problem with excess advertising here in the past
>several years. 
Right...that's because the only vendor with the chutzpa to repeatedly
violate the standard is Karlton (hey, he's got a bad case of Salesman
Disease--we should all be so lucky), and we put up with it because he is
such a lovable and endearing guy.

> I have seen occasional problems with intolerance.
Yes, because there are those of us who prefer a non-commercial medium for
our hobby, which RCSE was, pre-Karlton. This has nothing to do with
Karlton; it has to do with wanting freedom from advertising...kinda like
PBS or FM radio (well, the way they used to be). 

Berkeley CA USA
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