An important feature is being overlooked in these tests and the debate. 
PCM (and I think IPD) are programmed to go into fail safe when the voltage 
level drops below 4.8 or 4.7 volts. PCM rx's emit a low battery warning which 
if ignored, will deploy the fail safe mode. For those of u using 5 cell packs 
this is rarely a problem.
But those on 4 cell packs have tempory and short voltage dips after heavy 
servo use while in flight. This often goes below the programmed minimum 
level. I understand that a lot of the power pilots use 5 cell packs with a 
voltage regulator set at 5.7 volts, which eliminates the temporary and short 
deployment of the fail safe modes.
Seems like the manufacturers should not be selling PCM except for use with 5 
cell packs (I don't know the minimum voltage level for IPD or even if it has 
the low battery warning that Airtronics PCM's have).
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