Good observations, Robert. Just off-hand, I think there is a deteriorating
regard for proper use of the language and inattention to errors being made,
particularly among younger people. This is partly the fault of the
educational system which doesn't want to stifle a student's imagination and
creativity by correcting his/her spelling. 

Perhaps some people do not differentiate between "chord" and "cord",
"losing" and "loosing", "there" and "their", "ailrons" and "ailerons",
"don't" and "doesn't", etc. or just plain do not care. On occasion, I have
called errors to the attention of the "offenders" when the misuse is
flagrant, repetitious and borders on the annoying. This is offered in a
spirit of being helpful, rather than critical. Usually, a thankful response
will follow, although some get defensive. 

However, it is very easy to see only what we intended to write or thought
we wrote, rather than what we actually did. I often find I have failed to
edit out some errors after I reread something I've sent off, so have to
realize it can happen to others, too. 

> From: robert k scott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [RCSE] Help! I keep loosing my trainer chords!
> Date: Sunday, July 23, 2000 12:10 AM
> Does anyone know why many people are suddenly having a problem with
> homonyms? I've been noticing this in both print media and on the
> web/usenet/email. I can understand the chord/cord thing to an extent;
> 'chord' IS basically jargon unless you are an aerospace engineer of some
> sort, but 'cord' as in 'a trainer cord' isn't, really- its a common
> term, and is used a lot more than 'chord' which is for airfoils and
> musical instruments. You would think people would make the mistake the
> way 'round, and in the case of wings, most hard info we see is in PRINT,
> the people making these mistakes should have been spelling the way they
> learned the word and making pronunciation errors. It baffles me how 2
> homonyms can be confused when no one is pronouncing the words!
> I'm not just picking on people posting to mailing lists here. I've
> caught Time magazine stating that Russia was still loosing the space
> Does anyone have any ideas what's causing this?
> -robert
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