Nickle Metal Hydrides any good for unlimited work??

I had a flyaway Sunday with my Hera because one cell gave up the  ghost in flight.
 I checked the pack and she was at 4.9 volts. One hand toss,  all the way across
the flying field, one short trim flight to check the elevator compensation with
landing flaps, reflex, chamber and so on.  Next flight about 4 min into it there
was no response.  

She skied out doing a big diving circle to the right.  Looked real neat, reminded
me of the D and S tapes I've seen .

  Finally she flew out of the thermal and landed in the desert 1.5 miles away.
 I always wondered how far away I could see the plane well enough to control
it.  The boys said that she came down 3/4 of a mile the other side of Mitchell
Blvd. and Mitchell is 3/4 mile from the winch.  Hmmm!  

I got the bird back and amazingly enough she was field repairable.  I did so
and was ready to fly her again after changing the battery when I noticed one
aileron servo was on the fritz. 

Back at the shop I put the suspect pack on the de-lyer and sure enough the capacity
of the pack was way down.  Now all my packs that don't go atleast two hours
with the load on go into my pile of non flying batteries I use for making up
glow plug driver packs for the power wennies.

Was wondering if the NIMHY were ok.  The are priced right and seem to have about
twice the capacity.

Regards, Perry
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