Hi Rudy,

Thought you'd like to know that the format Paul is proposing is called
"Honors Callup" here in Florida.  The top scorers (5 to 10 depending on
total number of pilots entered) from the previous round (not the current
contest leaders necessarily) lead off the next round and then it is open
winch for the rest of the pilots.  We've had a lot of fun with it in that
it gives recognition to more pilots and lets spectators (and the other
pilots) know who are the ones to watch.  We have also found that although
there may seem to be dead time between rounds the rounds actually go just
as quickly because they get off to a quicker start.

We plan on using Honors Callup at the Tangerine this year.

Orlando Buzzards

At 10:08 AM 9/10/00 -0400, you wrote:
>The Cincinnati Soaring Society
>Sailaire One Design & Nostalgia Contest
>September 9, 2000
>>Some notes on format.  We flew open winch by rounds all day.  We had an hour
>time limit for the whole group to launch, whether flying one or both
>classes.  Paul Siegel has a great idea to try; setting the flight/launch
>order according to the seeded scores, with the top fliers launching first.
>Next Year!

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