My brother wants to purchase an Airtronics RD6000 for sailplane use
primarily.  While at the hobby store, he could discern no difference between
the sailplane version and the aircraft version other than the gear switch. 
I told him that the channel assignments were likely different and that there
might be programming features supported in one versus the other.  For
example, it sounded like camber/reflex control was not supported on the
aircraft version, but you surely would want this for sailplane use.  Also,
it wasn't clear how the throttle and gear channels would be used in a
sailplane application.

Does anybody have THE WORD on the RD6000 aircraft versus sailplane version? 
Will the aircraft version do all the sailplane version will or vice versa? 
Any help would be appreciated.  Direct replies appreciated as time is of the
essence.  Thanks.

-- James
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