At 01:35 PM 9/23/00 -0400, Ben Diss wrote:
>I don't get it.  I'm just using a silly little digital kichen timer and it 
>seems to count OK.  But I notice most people time with a stop watch.  Why?

I can think of quite a few reasons.
In reference to the Seiko model S321-4000

View time as count up or count down.
Positive snap action switches for a precise start and stop.  No mushy 
buttons here.
Can view preset time as well as elapsed time.  (No questions that you had 
the watch set wrong.)
Holds time even when turned off.
Single beep at 3, 2, 1, and then a long tone at 0.
Ergo dynamic buttons allow for a very quick stop-read-reset-start. <1.5 
second which is a must for the competitive HLG timer.  :-)
Continues to time after target time has elapsed.
Fit easily in the palm of your hand.
Comes with matching lanyard.
Water resistant.
Shock Resistant.
Comes with nice protective case.
Counts down properly. (Some of the "lesser" quality watches skip a second 
when you start.)
Good to 100th of a second

I even use it to reliably measure my LSF 1 hour thermal duration task. :-)

Does your "kitchen" timer have these features?

Remember, "You get what you pay for".

For the serious timer, contesting individual.
Steve Meyer

S.O.A.R. Web Page

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