> Here's the question: when I activate crow for landing
> (the manual calls it "butterfly" for some reason), I
> have the flaps both come down 90 degrees.  That's
> fine, but the aileron->flap mixing is still active at
> this point...
> It would seem logical to put the aileron->flap
> activation switch on the same switch as the crow so
> each one would turn off when the other one was
> activated, but the 8uafs won't seem to let me reassign
> the switch without making a custom mix (which I tried,
> and it works, but it just seems like there's an easier
> way).

Unfortunately you're stuck with this limitation, the 
"built-in" mixes have fixed assignments:

  bfly     - switch a down
  ele->flp - switch c up (not even displayed)
  flp->ail - switch d (up/null/down is  settable)
  ail->flp - switch g (up/null/down is  settable)

Wait till you try to get entire trailing edge mixes
using the flp->ail. Because the mixes are limited
to 100%, you can't get equal throws with the flp->ail
mix without supplemental mixes, or by adjusting ATV
and the standard mixes (which is what I did).

Here are couple of examples of how to do this:

Example to increase aileron throw trailing edge response 40%: Set aileron ATV max
value to 140%. Set aileron differential max value to 70%, this results in aileron
stick response of 98% (70%*140%) close enough to 100% for practical purposes. For
2:1 up:down differential, the values would be 70%/35%, for 2.5 to 1, 70%/30%, etc.
Adjust the remaining aileron mixes as desired (flap->aileron mix will probably be

Example to decrease flap throw trailing edge response to 50%: Set flap ATV max value
to 50%. Adjust flap mixes as desired. Butterfly mix needs to be "supplemented" to
get full (100%) down throw. Set butterfly flap down throw to 100%. Use a
programmable mix, and set (throttle) abk->flap down throw to another 100%. This
results in butterfly response of 100% ((100%+100%)*50%). If flap->aileron mix is
set so that switch A up/down enables/disables flap->aileron mix, only one 
programmble mix is needed (set link on), otherwise, use one programmable mix for
each flap (set link off).

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