Being new to the sport almost everytime I go to the slope I see a new plane
or type of soaring.  Totally cool.  Last weekend, as those of you who live
in California know, we had a day or so of HUGE wind! 

This was my first experience in the bay area of a north east wind so I got
to check out some of the East Slopes.  This was my first time watching some
PSS models fly.  The wind was huge, lulls were 40+.  I saw them launch that
thing, and it just sort of fell down the slope, then you could see start to
fly as the speed picked up.  Then it just seemed to scream across the sky.
Really cool.

We had all types flying that day, one guy had two pounds of lead on his
Zagi.  Yes pounds not ounces.  Two big strips taped onto the bottom.  Any
foam that came out there without ballast was quickly dispatched.

I helped a new person trim his plane so he could fly, everything was
reversed.  Once I got it flying he did pretty good.  Most of those Zagi kits
come with a single color tape, which for a novice is pretty bad.  The guys
out there told him to get some stickers so he can tell which side is up when
it is flying.  Hell of a day to try and learn, but if he could fly on a day
like that, then the rest of his flying days should be a piece of cake.

One final note, Microsoft is an 800lb gorilla and it uses its muscle to
illegally dominate an industry.  Nobody complaining?  Get your facts
straight.  There were thousands of complaints, from individuals, companies,
even state governments!! THOUSANDS UPON THOUSANDS of people lost their jobs.
I have seen many companies go out of business because of MS.  Personally, I
don't think you should allow a company to unfairly dominate a sector because
you happen to like their stock price.

Also, the MS case has not brought down the sector, it was all the wild .com
business plans that were in it for the short term that lost money.  This is
not a who is in the White House thing, all markets go through cycles.  Sure
may be a democrat in the White House, but everything still has to go through
a Republican Congress.  Blaming the loss of your portfolio or everyone
else's loss on the Democratic White House is like blaming them for the

Maybe you should spend a little less time flying and pay more attention to
events before complaining about them....

Jim Cubbage

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thursday, October 26, 2000 2:32 PM
Subject: Re: [RCSE] Hobie Owner's Opinion

Gentlemen and fellow glider guiders,

I have a Hobie and it almost makes me cry every time I fly it, 
it's just too good to be true.  It warps time and space.  It can't exist... 
but it does.  It is an emotional experience.

If Gore wins, I'll be flying it a whole lot just to try to offset the sturm
and drang of that miserable thought.  Gore has been part of an
administration that helped cut my net worth almost in half by pestering
Microsoft (and thereby many other tech stocks) from $120/share to $60 via
meritless Dept.Of Justice lawsuits.  Anyone who owns a Hobie or wants to, 
should vote
for a man who said that he believes in government by legislation not law
suits... Bush.  I read that the DOJ v MS attack has wiped out over $400
Billion in personal net worth this year.  Where are the complainants?  Scott
McNealy?  He's a billionaire, Jim Barksdale?  Billionaire.  Michael Dell?
Billionaire.  Thousands or millions of MS customers who feel screwed?
Anyone?  Anyone?  Beuller?  I don't think so.  I digress.  Just watched
Hardball and O'Reilly, got wound up.
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