
> On quite another note, I encourage you to take the time to contact
> FVK; order your plane; pay for packing (you want this to arrive in
> one piece), shipping, and money transfer (you'll learn something
> about internet-published exchange rates and bank procedure in the
> process); hope that customs will not intercept, open, and damage your
> plane; and see if $250 would have been such a high price to pay after
> all...

I moved from Europe in February, and I think that I've done enough
bank transfer in the two directions to know what I'm talking about.
The transfer is really not costing much, generally, you have a fixed
amount (US$10) plus a percentage (low).

Also, you can pay with a credit card, and in this case, the cost of
money transfer is ridiculously low.

And for the custom, how do you think that NSP is getting its planes ?
If you do everything legally, the worst that can happen is that you
pay import taxes. The cost is so low (at the custom level), that they
might even not ask for the money.

And for the packaging, I guess that if a plane can be shipped from
NSP to your place, their is not much more risk to ship it from
Germany to the US.

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