Whether this happened or didn't, it has certainly promoted discussion
and urged all of us to look at how we go about what we do.

I've been on this forum for about 3 yrs and I have noticed in that time
the shift towards stronger lighter moulded models and the subsequent
real decrease in price, meaning, more and more of us "average flyers"
have very good, very strong models. How many however are still using the
same launch system they had when they launched floaters?

Technology has given us much better toys, fairly cheap but strong mono
that really stores a lot of energy, winches that will pull a tractor out
of a bog and on this exchange there has been a lot of info about how to
get the most out of each. However there hasn't been too much about
turnarounds and field safety. At our club after a couple of incidents we
now ask for a restraint to be attached to any turnaround at our field
and the turnaround is checked every time the chute is retrieved. ( We
don't use mechanised retrievers)

Some good ideas and some navel gazing have come out of this episode that
can be applied to winch, handtow, bungee, catapult etc. This is why I
still subscribe to RCSE. Oh well back to sorting through the chaff.
Brian Ford              
Brisbane                "The Moreton Region Sports Soaring Association Web Site"!
Queensland              http://www.bit.net.au/~mrssa
Australia               and "The Large PSS Site"!
AUS 55723               http://www.users.bigpond.com/bananaman
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