Why not get all the details and some photos and forward it to the USA 
National News media, I mean, its soo important to protect us poor little 
non-thinking lambs from ourselves, then possibly all flying site owners will 
be more aware of how dangerous our hobby can be, and all you well meaning 
safey buffs can sleep well knowing you have saved us from such a terrible 
thing happening to our 16 year olds.

    Sometimes the best thing to say is as little as possible.  If you guys 
just can't live with yourselves without sharing well meant safety stuff, why 
not leave off the exciting bloody part and just say its a really good idea to 
make sure stakes are secure against possible unsafe pull outs?

    Some how most of us modelers have muddled through life with out the help 
of you really smart guys.  We drive cars, have kids, maintain jobs and even 
on occassion build and fly RC sailplanes.   

    Over the years there have been fatal accidents that none of you in the 
hobby have heard of....and neither has flying site owners.

    Saturday is supposed to be a nice soaring day in Atlanta, and Cobra Stu 
is in town today, I am hoping to con him into buying me lunch :-)  You can 
bet I will mention STEAK :-)

Chute,  it's time to go to work...

In Atlanta this weekend

 Well, I've read about it last month(a few weeks before Karlton put the 
 message on the list) in at least two (maybe three) British R/C Magazines. 
 at my work now, but I'll look it up this evening and give more specifics.

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