Paul Ferguson posted to Jim Thomas in regards to 'Contests and LSF Levels,' 
"Perhaps we need to leave the existing levels alone and add parallel 
'non-contest' levels with more challenging tasks."

SOUNDS LIKE!!  LSF AWARDS with a nasty " * " attached to me :-) !!  Maybe, 
Paul, as a disinterested party you could help the judges somewhere USA come 
up with a scientific way to divine dimples :-) !

Sorry! I couldn't resist :-) !!  I plan to compete in one international and 
two national or regional contests in a busman's holiday to my Homeland 
U.S.A. next summer.  Is this language lost on you!?  It means having FUN 
while you are on business!  What is the difference between what I will be 
engaged in and Gordy!?  With Gordy the FUN comes first :-) !!  God is MY 
boss!!  My criteria for participation is similarly expressed as a principle 
through the use of reiteration as is the laws of investing in real 
estate  (1. Location; 2) Location; 3) Location!!!).  Expressly, "1) FUN; 2) 
FUN; 3) FUN; 4) FUN !!!!!", the first LAW of RC Soaring instituted and 
established by JW!  I don't expect to win a thing this summer but new 
friends--I will try harder, flying in the Eagle Class at the IHLGF, but 
RCHLG pilots are getting older (fortunately Joe is still too young to 
compete against me) and the competition is gett'n tougher at my (age) level 
:-) !  Not that it didn't start out that way, the first year of the Eagle 
Class ('98) I had to fly against the TPG's Scharck and Don Richmond.  Still 
as the AWAY Champ, GRACIOUS Ron (not to be confused with Don) awarded the 
First Place Plaque to me which I proudly display; the NEAREST I will 
probably EVER get to anything like it!?  My third place the same year at 
the MidSouths in HL Golf against the likes of Jim Bacus-Bruce Davidson & 
Company didn't get me a thing besides hearing my name blared out with a 
bullhorn--and I ran the whole course; I think they mentioned that--I 
thought I at least deserved a JR or Futaba decal!!  Go figure :-) !!

It has been a long while since this thread has made the round--so be 
it!  As one who had hoped for a career in aviation and passed from true HL 
gliders (NOT to be confused with RCHLG) and hand tow gliders with 
dethermalizers to full scale while in college, I of course became 
acquainted with the FAI international soaring awards.  When I was drawn 
into RC Soaring I soon became acquainted with the LSF program and 
recognized the value of it for the RC Soaring enthusiast.  I began my own 
effort to bring it to Japan and later was ready to help one of our Japanese 
glider-guiders (a better idea) establish it here.  Except for the initial 
phases, however, it is not a realistic program for Japan!  None the less, 
any changing of the rules would tarnish its metal!

As Rob Glover posted:

"The LSF is Not going to change it's program.
The LSF is Not going to change it's program.
The LSF is Not going to change it's program."

"Got it? Good."  AMEN :-) and "Congratulations!!" to all the Level fives 
out there!!
Paul Clark, SKY PILOT ONE, Osaka, Japan    (AMA # 53 777 1)

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