YUP I am at home just picked up my system and that is the virus they found. :(
Had to be RCSE because the pc I got it on is only hooked up to RCSE list. :(
I am going to forward your response to the list because I think they should know.
I will re-join the RCSE list next week after the IMS show.  By then I hope it will be gone.....
Anyone caught MAKING a viruses in the first place should be forced to hard labor cleaning very infected system... Or just shot...
Smooth Sailing,
Karlton Spindle
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, January 12, 2001 12:55 PM
Subject: Re: [RCSE] CAREFULL!


Karlton Spindle wrote:

I got a NASTY virus from ONE of the list servers.  I do not know for sure it was RCSE. We are still trying to get it off the system at the office.  We have been down at work for three days now. Once we find the name and cure we will post to the group.  The virus infected my system seven days ago and has been getting worse every day. Till today the computer crashed in total.  Nortan 2001 with fresh updates did not catch it. In fact we found out today that other viruses like KAK had also been let in to the system after the yet to be found bug turned off my antivirus software!  try to run Norton and it locks up :( If your system is running SLOWER then normal and your email times out and you have trouble even getting on the net, you may have it!!

Hi Karlton;
I've had similar type problems with my desktop and could be the same thing.
Locks up without provocation, unable to write cds without locking up, locked up on running Norton.  Have been waiting on my computer guru for the past week.
Anyway, after getting your message this morning, I downloaded the latest virus update from Norton and it immediately picked up the problem as a Trojan  -  W32.HLLW.Bymer
I ran the Norton on it but it would not correct it. It infects the wininit.exe file in the Windows\System folder.
Info on the cleanup can be got at      http://www.symantec.com/avcenrer/venc/data/w32.hllw.html
It also has a carry-over of Dnetc client which also requires removal by accessing through the regedit   command and going to the Run or RunServices folder as described in their fix page.
Got it fixed now and seems OK on the programs I've tried.

Don't know where I picked the bug up but it was probably through RCSE.  I'm sending this from my laptop which is clean.

Hope this works for you.

John O'Sullivan
Nova Scotia

Wind and Wave Models

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