At 11:30 AM 1/13/2001, Karlton Spindle wrote:
YUP I am at home just picked up my system and that is the virus they found. :(
Had to be RCSE because the pc I got it on is only hooked up to RCSE list. :(

Tips for safe Internet use...

A) Don't run any type of attachment sent to you via email, unless you can authenticate that the person actually sent you something that is good on purpose.  I often get these holiday .exe attachments even from friends, I don't run them.  If you do get something from a stranger, don't take the risk, just DELETE it.  (I don't care how tempting it is for you old dogs to see Snow White and the seven dwarfs!)  In Eudora, I have it configured so it deletes the attachment from my attachment folder when I delete the email.  I also have the option OFF that allows executables in HTML format email.

B) Image attachments are usually safe to look at, but excel spreadsheet documents and word documents can carry virii in macro files.

C) Run anti virus software while your computer is on.  For me that is 24 x 7.  Update your anti virus software often from the support web site.

D) Don't run or use hacked or copied software, if you need a software package, go buy it.  Typically, the versions of hacked copies of software that are distributed on "warez" sites carry Trojan Horses, a worm or a virus .exe embedded into the .exe of the copied program.

E) If you have DSL or a Cable modem, or otherwise high speed 24 x 7 connection, run a firewall, even if it's personal firewall software like BlackIce Defender.  Watch what ports you leave open, don't leave online games running unattended.

Others have tried to make a point that web based forums don't have security problems, think again.  With javascript, vbscript, java, and ActiveX that can be loaded in with the HTML, it's just another set of security problems to be managed.

P.S.  Take precautions, and the Internet is awesome fun.

Downers Grove, IL
Member of Chicago SOAR club
ICQ 6997780    R/C Soaring Page at

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