Matt Lydon wrote:

> I recently aquired a stylus w/ glider card, but no manuals. Airtronics wants
> $10 each plus $8 shipping. Something just irks me about shelling out $28 for
> a couple of lousy manuals that they could put online for nothing. JR does
> it, what makes them so special, eh? Anyway, if you wouldn't mind lending me
> your manuals for a couple of days so I can copy them, I'd be very grateful,
> and would be happy to pay mailing costs both ways.
> Matt
> (in NYC if anyone's local)

How one would think they could put it on line for nothing is beyond me.  It would take 
quite a lot of time and they would have to pay a web person.  It would likely cost 
over $1000 to do something like that, and they have had enough trouble just putting on 
what they currently have now.

What ever dealer or person you bought the radio from should pay for the manuals.  
However, I will gladly lend you mine so you can copy them and send them back.

What's your mailing address?



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