>"As a safety professional I would have to say that this is not a
> > safe way to operate..."  I just thought your "adhesive technologist"
>> statement sounded a lot like that.
>Sorry, I did not mean to sound pompous or to lecture.  I was
>speaking from a stress-distribution,
>mode-of-load-application perspective.

Um...I thought it was funny, not pompous.  Never mind.  Darn 
computers just don't convey smiles or chuckles.

I like the idea of using CA, and take your endorsement to heart. 
Next plane will have CF pushrods with CA bonding.

>If anyone is actually bothered by gluing a CF rod to a
>clevis, hey, no problem.  Use a different method of making
>the push rod.  That's what living in a free country is all

I know that using CA doesn't bother me.  I was trying to point out 
that it would take a pretty big force (with stress is bizarre 
directions) to break the bond of CA with CF pushrods and the links 
you described.

- David

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