From: Daniel Olin Miller [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> From: Tom Broeski
> > I read over and looked at all the stuff.
> Me too!
> > How much rudder is needed at launch -- or where's a good place to
> > start.  Lots of right rudder for a right hander?
> The guys with poly planes seem to be using a LOT of right rudder preset...
> like ALL of it.  Some flinging on my own confirms that without rudder, the
> plane quickly rolls left (that yaw/roll dihedral coupling).  Without any
> further input, it performs a beautiful tip-scraping cartwheel maneuver
> about 50 feet away in the 11 o'clock direction.
> What mystifies me is that the Texas Twister (by those Blu Dartar guys)
> apparently needs no rudder input.  It's a flaperon plane with much less
> dihedral, which may explain it.

The plane I'm flinging in the videos is also flaperon with
little dihedral, and also requires no rudder input at all.
I've actually gone through the original digital video footage
frame-by-frame, and although there is a large amount of yaw
on release (hard to tell, but could be up to 30 degrees!) it's
been all but damped out within 1/4 of a second.

I think you nailed it in that it's the yaw-roll coupling
that creates the problem with a poly plane.

Ciao - Chris

Chris Kaiser
Auckland,  NEW ZEALAND

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