This doesn't even get into
the discussion of whether the club technology push was a reasonable
and fair interpretation of the rules, which I had no dealings with.

... Okay and once me and by soaring buddies told this other guy that we were
gonna go watch Buffy but we didn't  we went to the local pizza bar and had a
beer and some pizza and sort of talked about him and he found out and he was
really angry and the next time we were at the field, he wouldn't take a turn
running the retriever!!! SOooo then we asked him" how come you aren't taking
a turn a the retriever??? and he said " cuz you guys didn't invite me to the
pizza bar for a beer and pizza!!!" and I said "how did you find out about
that???" and he said that one of the guys with us told him and then we were
all really mad at that guy and the next time we went to the pizza bar we
didn't invite him but we did invite the first guy,,,, Now, the other guy
won't take a turn on the retriever and I'm not sure what to do about it cuz
we are still really mad at him for telling the other guy about the first time
at the pizza bar!!! and we are pretty mad at the first guy cuz he never chips
in for the tip!!!!

Off to Dallas, Tampa, Orlando (contest!), Savanah, Charlotte, Atlanta, yep
out for the month, but armed and ready to soar :-)

P.S. JW, I think the whole thing is a sneaky way to get a free dinner by LJ,
and I know it usually works for me :-)
P.S.S  RCSE guys, you can tell these guys are from California, they know how
to add some theatrical spice to the USA's F3's fundraising :-)

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