Sorry Gordy, but I have to disagree.  There is no more way for Karlton
to know whether his servos moved or his linkages came loose or bent
versus whether the servo(s) have sustained damage (unless he takes them
out and mails them in).  The guys gave him some good suggestions of
things to check -- no sense sending the servos back to multiplex if the
problem is elsewhere.  Seems a bit critical to call the suggestions he
got "useless" since they made perfect sense.  And Karlton IS synonymous
with RCSE in my book -- it's a sure bet he will be one of the people to
respond to a multiplex question, so by posting here he got feedback from
Karlton AND some other smart folks....

Sorry I didn't make it out to the SLNT contest Sunday -- hope you had
fun.  Good luck in Orlando, sounds like they are ready for you!  Have

David Cole
Fort Worth, Texas
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, February 22, 2001 6:43 PM
Subject: [RCSE] Servo damage? Just wondering :-)

Why did you go the RCSE instead of contacting Karlton at MPX first?
That's rhetorical, as in doesn't deserve an answer!!!!!

Just wondering though, as you can see you got a bunch of useless
from some nice guys hoping to find SOMETHING to reply to.  But inspite
that, fairly often guys while post a question to the RSCE for
when the could have gotten a real answer from the supplier.

Someone like you, who can afford that kind of quality deserves better
speculation :-)

Karlton is the man, the source.  He'd know, and if you have a problem
only HE
can actually do anything about it. Oh, yeah he's a really good guy too.

70 in Tampa today
Working on my excuses, er I mean resons for the results of this weekends
contest results.

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