Actually, Mark Browning was third in 2 meter at Visalia flying an early
bagged Image. Second was Terry Bratton flying a molded Image. Bob McGowan
won 2 meter flying an aged Falcon..... and he just took delivery of a new
molded Image.

Don Peters

Sal DeFrancesco wrote:

>I have one! Took 3rd 2 meter at Visalia! Like it very much. Extreemly hard
to get. Sometimes AeroModel has them. We are lucky to get
>one a month. Have a few coming in next week but all are sold. We are
working on an alternative design. The price should be lower and
>performance should as good or better. I basically designed the Organic and
I am in the process with this new two meter

Brian Smith wrote:

> Anyone on the list have an Organic 2M ??  Mind giving me your
> TIA  Brian Smith

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