I am new to the list of soaring and to soaring r/c so
please don’t take this as hostel.
I have been on the list for a couple of days, is this
what this list is all about?
6 threads about hearing thermals.???
3 about soaring Utah. I live in Jersey
19 useless threads of Tungsten and depleted uranium
bb’s (just melt lead or buy Tungsten rod cut to
8 threads about winch rpm’s (this could have been
answered in one post).

Is there any info geared to learning and sharing info
about soaring r/c or is this a down time because of

I know I just put my foot in my mouth and pissed some
people off, BUT I would like to learn everything I can
about all the tips and secrets about hand launch and
thermal duration, so far this isn’t helping, dose it
get better, or is it sporadic? Is there another list
that is more informative towards soaring?

Again I am sorry if I ticked some people off, this
list was recommend to me. 


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