----- > I know I just put my foot in my mouth and pissed some
> people off,

That doesn't sound like a smart thing to be doing.

BUT I would like to learn everything I can
> about all the tips and secrets about hand launch and
> thermal duration, so far this isn't helping,

You know Robert, you don't learn everything all at once.  Well, maybe you do
but most other don't.  Did you think you'd tune in to the list and
everything you ever wanted to know about soaring would be right there for
you to download?

dose it
> get better, or is it sporadic? Is there another list
> that is more informative towards soaring?

> I know I just put my foot in my mouth and pissed some
> people off, BUT I would like to learn everything I can
> about all the tips and secrets about hand launch and
> thermal duration, so far this isn't helping, dose it
> get better, or is it sporadic? Is there another list
> that is more informative towards soaring?

Hey Robert, this is as good as it gets.  We just piss and moan and then call
each other names.  Just when the other guys eyes are bulging out of their
sockets we insult him even more.  There's nothing to be learned on this
exchange except how lousy all the soaring vendors are.  Better sign off
before it's too late.  And, no! there isn't likely to be a more informative
list if you approach others in an antagonistic way.  You know, the way you
just did on this list.

Well, of course there's another option....... you could spend a little more
time watching and reading the threads before you charge in with premature
assumptions about what you can or can't learn.  I think you might be
surprised about how much knowledge is available and how helpful you'll find
most participants in this exchange to be if you don't body slam them first
and then ask for help.

What do you think, Robert?  Sounds like a good idea, wouldn't you say?

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