Us poor slobs who have to get the digest version often have to wade thru 
multiple copies and duplicate HTML text versions of all the various posts to 

 This duplication of posts can double the size of the files and the time to 
skim/read them. I am led to understand by those who know that the problem 
comes in the main from you folks who write-in messages using a certain 
product out of Redmond. (grin) But, all can be fixed simply, if you would 
take but an extra second and select a "plain text" formatting for your 
outgoing mail, at least to RCSE. Then your thoughts and opinions get a 
clearer shot as they go out to us in the ether.

Please, give it a try. If you don't yet understand the scope of the trouble, 
subscribe to the digest version for a couple days and see it for yourself.

Thanks for your kind attention. Thermals!
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