Rick Brown and Jill Wiest wrote:
> I do not believe that thermaling birds, including the Redtail Hawk has
> a preference of direction to cicle in a thermal.

I have never noticed any preferance for turning direction in soaring birds.

Now for something that I have noticed.
The soaring birds many times will reverse their turn while centering up in
a thermal. I find that trying to do this with my RC sailplane is usually
not the best way. 

I find it is usually better for me to continue turning the same direction
as I entered the thermal and simply shift my circle to find the best lift.
By shifting my circle I mean to vary the bank angle to gradually move the
location of my circle. Once I am centered (days smooth enough to actually
I fly constant bank angle turns in the thermal.

Michael Neverdosky N6CHV  AMA 77292
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