Quit whining and learn to build your own toys. As a downsized, early
retiree type I have learned to cope with the cost of progress by building
my own hlgs. If you are willing to invest in a gallon of epoxy, a $10
refrigerator compressor, 100 yards of 1.4 oz glass at sale prices, and
can do your own design then you can at least do the hlg stuff at a very
resonable price. A very good hlg can be built in under 25 hours for
less than $30. The electronics add another $150 for a RCD-555, 2 CS20
servos, and a MPG-10 gyro. Don't fight progress, learn how to contribute
to it.
Dick Barker
Seattle, WA
- Turning HLG Around -

>Progress is a wonderful thing....
>I am perturbed by the rapid escalation of technology in competitive soaring 
>events in Hand Launch and RES, as well as the whole hand-tow phenomenon....
>Hand launch is cool: I think the new trends in materials and new launch 
>techniques are a great expression of creativity,....Now, if I wanna win >trophies, 
>looks like I need to buy a gyro for my Discus-launched all
>carbon molded, helium-pressurized Hypershnitzel 2001HLG...

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