> > Have a question/comments about zoom launches w/braided line.  First
> > off it seems many, myself included, go too deep in the zoom when
> > launching off of braided line.  I have noticed that what little
> > energy is stored in braided line is best utilized w/more of a real
> > quick "ping" rather than divng deeply in the zoom.  I seem to get
> > more energy off zoom this way.  Correct me if I am wrong.  Now to the

> You want to dive as long as the plane is accelerating faster than it
> would by gravity alone.
> http://www.mvsaclub.com/zoom.htm

Assuming 20:1 glide ratio, at 25 feet per second, drag is about 5%.
Say this reduced to 4% when in reflex mode and no lift is being generated.
With a little math, my estimate is about 170 feet of altitude from
an 85mph zoom (versus 210 with no drag taken into account). I used
a spread sheet, but there is probably an integral (calculus) solution.

> > real question- after zooming is it better to climb out vertical or at
> > around  60-70 degree or so angle?

Depends on the losses incurred by continuning to pitch up to 90 degrees,
but the optimum zoom won't be much less than 90 degrees, since drag
at higher speeds is a significant factor, regardless of which direction
model is heading.

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