Title: Re: Report on the breaking of the DS speed record

From: Barry Baskin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Subject: Report on the breaking of the DS speed record.

This weekend Craig Toutolmin, Dave Reese, my son Gavin, and I made our
pilgrimage to Parker.............

Now my turn with my Millenium Extreme beautifully designed and built by RnR

 .....then he gets a pop and suddenly it is 174mph then 176mph. I am
standing rooted to the spot, my half inch square chromoly joiner (perfectly
made by Doug Boyd) is


Hi, guys,
First of all congrats to the "guy", of course,  then , please, some more info on the plane : here in Italy we are all "boiling". As Dave already knows, I'm the one who, after having read on RCSE about DS by JW, was the first in Italy to do it, more than 2 years ago.

Well we'd like to know more about the model and its structure, specially the wing joiner.
We are all discovering that our single and even double 14 x 3 mm steel blades ( the ones sold by Graupner, I believe) are actually bending permanently after strong DS session, which are surely below your recorded speed, so we are wondering about your "square" half inch one. Is it really a square one or is it a blade ?

Does a picture of the model exist somewhere on the web ? or in Lift Ticket ?
How is the wing built ?

I thank you very much for the info and be known that we all envy you for the ball you had !

Ciao from Italy.

Ansaldo Energia
IMP/ING/AUT - F12 / P5
Via N. Lorenzi, 8
16152 Genoa  -  ITALY
Ph. : 39 (0)10 655 3267
Fax : 39 (0)10 655 3250 / 3894

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