At 08:37 AM 6/20/01 -0600, Jim Crook wrote:
>Thanks to everyone who responded.  As suspected I got a full range of
>ideas - Add more off-set, remove all off-set, Throw at a steeper angle,
>throw at a lower angle, Etc.  the most common responses were:
>1) To add a sub fin
>2) Relax/straighten my arm during the throw
>3) Add a wing peg
>4) Release earlier in the spin
>I will try to get out and try the 4 items above tonight (weather
>permitting).  I'll post results.
>Thanks Again!
>Any other Montana (Western MT - Missoula area) pilots out there?
>Jim Crook


When I first began trying DLG, I was having the same problem of the plane
rolling off to the left and ultimately inverting.
My initial attempts at DLG used a throwing stick and a vtail configuration.
first thing that I found, due to other's observations, was that I was
"flicking" my wrist at release. I concentrated on keeping my wrist and arm
perfectly straight throughout the throw, sort of like in bowling, and much of
the "roll over" disappeared.

Next, I abandoned the vtail and went with a cruciform tail with about 30% of
the rudder being a sub-rudder. Tail Volume Coefficient (TVC) of the horizontal
fin is around .415. 

I have thrown with and without the throwpeg. Without the throwpeg, fingers get
sore, I had to use spyder foam in the wing tips tp prevent crushing, I
launch as high, and still the upper wingtip eventually creased at the ends of
my fingertips. With the throwstick, the wingtip doesn't crease, launch is
higher, but if my fingers are wrapped too much around the throwpeg and I am
paying attention, I can get a very slight left arc, but no inverted launch.

I too have found that a "half-hearted" attempt at the launch, unlike the
javelin launch, is not good.

Too bad you're in the middle of nowhere, because we've got a HLG contest going
on this coming Saturday in Salt Lake City (750 miles from "anywhere") followed
by an electric fun fly.


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