I recently had problems with my Vision with respect to the unit not 
transmitting my inputs.  I knew the radio was putting out RF since the 
reciever would go crazy if I turned off the tranny.

I think I deciphered the problem as slight corrosion on the plug-in contacts 
within the transmitter.  Remember, these transmitters are on the order of a 
decade old and they have probably been well used since they are very capable 
tools.  The years of exposure to the elements or just slightly moist air 
(its really moist here in FLA!) has probably developed a microscopic 
corrosion layer on some contacts in the radio.

What I did was open up the unit and unplug and replug as many of the plugs 
as I could get to.  I wasn't too interested in taking out all the boards in 
the tranny.  I also slightly pryed up the 2 PROMS on the boards, just to 
upset any corrosion accumulation.  I guess if this doesn't work for you, you 
may need to go ahead and remove all the boards so that you can unplug and 
replug all the plugs in the tranny.

I hear that there is a spray that you can apply safely to electronics and 
achieve the same results.  I would appreciate a post from anyone that has 
experience with these sprays.  Especially if there is a spray out there that 
will protect from future corrosion.

This maintenance seemed to do the trick for me.  My Vision is working 
properly now.

While your in there, be sure to examine the insulation on the wires going to 
your aileron pot.  I posted a note here on this problem several months ago.  
The insulation hardens and the underlying wire will fracture due to the 
repetitive movement. The aileron pot should be the first pot to exhibit this 
problem since it is highly used and its movement is large.

Good luck with your problems.

Martin Brungard
Tallahassee, FL

"Meandering to a different drummer"

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